Trip update

Wedding Vahe & Sona

Wedding ceremony of Vahe & Sona, 3 june 2023, Armenia

Transition (II)

| Experience #2.939 | posted on 2021-03-31 @ A4 Highway, Germany | | Total distance traveled: 1.202.124km. | Copyright / Arne de Knegt 2021

Transition (I)

| Experience #2.938 | posted on 2021-03-01 @ A4 Highway, Germany | | Total distance traveled: 1.201.650km. | Copyright / Arne de Knegt 2021

Parking GGD containers

| Experience #2.937 | posted on 2021-02-27 @ Movico, Deurne, The Netherlands | | Total distance traveled: 1.201.546km. | Copyright / Arne de Knegt 2021

picking up GGD containers

| Experience #2.936 | posted on 2021-02-26 @ A67 Highway, The Netherlands | | Total distance traveled: 1.201.478km. | Copyright / Arne de Knegt 2021

Dakar transit 2021 day 4

| Experience #2.935 | posted on 2021-02-24 @ Le Relais de la Venelle, Dijon, France | | Total distance traveled: 1.214.865km. | Copyright / Arne de Knegt 2021

Dakar transit 2021 day 3

| Experience #2.934 | posted on 2021-02-23 @ A36-a39 junction, France | | Total distance traveled: 1.214.519km. | Copyright / Arne de Knegt 2021

«Issue de Secours»

| Experience #2.933 | posted on 2021-02-22 @ Lyon Junction N, France | | Total distance traveled: 1.214.459km. | Copyright / Arne de Knegt 2021

time void

| Experience #2.931 | posted on 2021-02-20 @ Bayreuth, Germany | | Total distance traveled: 1.214.439km. | Copyright / Arne de Knegt 2021


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