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Pico Island main highlights

Pico Island, home to Portugal’s highest peak, is a haven for nature enthusiasts and adventurers alike. The imposing Pico Mountain dominates the skyline, offering challenging hikes and rewarding panoramas. Explore UNESCO-listed vineyards draped across black lava fields, and embark on unforgettable whale-watching expeditions from the island’s shores. Pico promises an immersive experience in untouched beauty.

Destinations in this blog post:

EN3 roadLagoa do CapitãoLajes do PicoPico Mountain

EN3 road

Pico Island main highlights - EN3 roadThe first destination we cover is EN3 road. Embark on a scenic journey along Pico Island’s EN3 road, where panoramic views of rolling hills, vineyards, and the vast ocean offer a captivating experience of the island’s diverse landscapes.

Lagoa do Capitão

Pico Island main highlights - Lagoa do CapitãoThe second destination we cover is Lagoa do Capitão. Witness the enchantment of Lagoa do Capitão on Pico Island, a striking crater lake nestled amidst captivating landscapes that reflect the island’s volcanic origins and natural splendor.

Lajes do Pico

Pico Island main highlights - Lajes do PicoThe third destination we cover is Lajes do Pico. Immerse yourself in the history and maritime heritage of Lajes do Pico on Pico Island, a charming town that serves as a gateway to whale watching, lush vineyards, and authentic Azorean culture.

Pico Mountain

Pico Island main highlights - Pico MountainThe fourth destination we cover is Pico Mountain. The majestic Pico Mountain stands as a sentinel over the island, offering a challenging yet rewarding hike to its summit. The panoramic views from the top encompass the island’s diverse landscapes, from vineyards to the deep blue sea.


Having worked on all seven continents, Arne has spent over 20 years traveling the world, visiting 1100+ destinations in 108 countries

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