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Flores Island main highlights

Flores Island lives up to its name, with a plethora of colorful flowers adorning its landscapes. Cascading waterfalls, serene lakes, and coastal lagoons create a dreamscape for nature enthusiasts. Explore the mesmerizing landscapes of Fajã Grande and discover the remarkable beauty of the “Blue Eye,” a natural ocean inlet. Flores is an untouched gem where the wonders of nature come to life.

Destinations in this blog post:

Miradouro das CumeeirasMiradouro do PortalPonta DelgadaPozo da AlagoinhaRibeira Grande waterfallWesternmost point of Europe

Miradouro das Cumeeiras

Flores Island main highlights - Miradouro das CumeeirasThe first destination we cover is Miradouro das Cumeeiras. Behold the breathtaking panoramic vistas from Miradouro das Cumeeiras on Flores Island, where the Lagoa das Sete Cidades and its surrounding lush landscapes create a feast for the eyes.

Miradouro do Portal

Flores Island main highlights - Miradouro do PortalThe second destination we cover is Miradouro do Portal. Gaze upon the ethereal beauty of Miradouro do Portal on Flores Island, a vantage point that unveils dramatic ocean views, sculpted cliffs, and the timeless charm of this picturesque island.

Ponta Delgada

Flores Island main highlights - Ponta DelgadaThe third destination we cover is Ponta Delgada. Step into the peaceful atmosphere of Ponta Delgada on Flores Island, a charming village offering tranquility, coastal walks, and a glimpse into the daily life of the island’s inhabitants.

Pozo da Alagoinha

Flores Island main highlights - Pozo da AlagoinhaThe fourth destination we cover is Pozo da Alagoinha. Embark on an adventure to Pozo da Alagoinha on Flores Island, where the impressive waterfall and lush surroundings form a natural masterpiece, inviting explorers to connect with nature’s marvels.

Ribeira Grande waterfall

Flores Island main highlights - Ribeira Grande waterfallThe fifth destination we cover is Ribeira Grande waterfall. Immerse yourself in the soothing embrace of Ribeira Grande waterfall on Flores Island, a serene oasis that showcases the island’s lush landscapes and invites moments of quiet contemplation.

Westernmost point of Europe

Flores Island main highlights - Westernmost point of EuropeThe sixth destination we cover is Westernmost point of Europe. Stand at the edge of the continent at the Westernmost point of Europe on Flores Island, a place where the vast Atlantic horizon merges with rugged cliffs, epitomizing the island’s untamed beauty.

2 km
1 mi
Places we have been | Our bucketlist | © sasvata.travel 2023


Having worked on all seven continents, Arne has spent over 20 years traveling the world, visiting 1100+ destinations in 108 countries

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