
Our destinations

Explore all our destinations here. 4.000+ images of over 1100 visited places in 109 countries on all 7 continents.
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Africa & the Middle East





Latin America

North America


About Us

Hi! We are Johanna and Arne, an adventurous couple from the Netherlands and Armenia . Traveling has brought us to

1100+ destinations | 109 countries | Worked & traveled on all 7 continents

We have created to share our experience and help you make your next unforgettable trip
Read our Sasvata story here
Our map :   where we have been


Since we met in 2014, we have travelled to 50 countries together.
Additionally, individually we have travelled extensively too, bringing the total of countries that we have visited to 109.

# Last visited in Country By
12023Andorra A&J
22013Antarctica A
32024Antigua and Barbuda A&J
42013Argentina A
52023Armenia A&J
62024Aruba A&J
72015Australia A
82023Austria A&J
92014Azerbaijan A
102024Barbados A&J
112023Belgium A&J
122001Bolivia A
132008Botswana A
142012Brazil A
152024British Virgin Islands A&J
162018Bulgaria A
172018Cambodia A&J
182015Canada A
192003Cape Verde A
202013Chile A
212019China A&J
222012Colombia A
232004Costa Rica A
242016Croatia A
252024Curacao A&J
262019Cyprus A&J
272023Czechia A&J
282024Denmark A&J
292024Dominica A&J
302024Dominican Republic A&J
312001Ecuador A
322022Egypt A&J
332024England A&J
342020Estonia A&J
352024Faroe Islands A&J
362020Finland A&J
372024France A&J
382019Georgia A&J
392024Germany A&J
402003Gibraltar A
412023Greece A&J
422024Grenada A&J
432004Guatemala A
442004Honduras A
452019Hong Kong SAR A&J
462017Hungary A
472024Iceland A&J
482017India A&J
492017Indonesia A&J
502013Ireland A
512023Israel A&J
522023Italy A&J
532008Kenya A
542020Latvia A&J
552020Liechtenstein A&J
562018Lithuania A
572022Luxembourg A&J
582007Macau SAR A
592022Malaysia A&J
602005Moldova A
612022Monaco A&J
622007Mongolia A
632005Morocco A
642008Namibia A
652019Nepal A&J
662015New Zealand A
672004Nicaragua A
682018North Macedonia A
692021Norway A
702024Oman A&J
712023Palestinian Territories A&J
722004Panama A
732001Peru A
742024Poland A&J
752021Portugal A&J
762016Qatar J
772018Romania A
782018Russia A&J
792024Saint Kitts and Nevis A&J
802024Saint Lucia A&J
812024Saint Vincent and the Grenadines A&J
822022San Marino A
832024Saudi Arabia A
842024Scotland A&J
852018Serbia A
862023Singapore A&J
872017Slovakia A
882019Slovenia A
892017South Africa A
902013South Georgia A
912023Spain A&J
922024St Maarten A&J
932021Sweden A
942022Switzerland A&J
951999Taiwan A
962018Thailand A&J
972024The Netherlands A&J
982003Trinidad & Tobago A
992013Tristan da Cunha A
1002015Türkiye A&J
1012013Ukraine A
1022024United Arab Emirates A&J
1032024United States A&J
1042015Vatican City A&J
1052005Venezuela A
1062018Vietnam A&J
1072013Wales A
1082008Zambia A
1092003Zimbabwe A

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