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10 Cool Reasons Why You Should Travel To China

10 reasons to travel to China the Great Wall
The Great Wall of China

Traveling to China can be a fascinating and enriching experience for a variety of reasons. Check out our list of the 10 reasons to travel to China.

I studied and worked in China for about four years, during which I traveled either solo or with Arne to diverse places, from Shanghai to Tibet, from Guilin to Beijing, and so on. Here are some compelling aspects that, we think, make it worth considering for your next trips.

Rich Cultural Heritage

10 reasons to travel to China Terracotta Army
The Terracotta Army

China has a history spanning thousands of years, and it is home to one of the world’s oldest and most continuous cultures. You can explore ancient landmarks such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Army, gaining insights into China’s rich cultural and historical tapestry.

Warm Hospitality

Chinese people are known for their warm hospitality and friendliness. Visitors often find locals eager to share their culture and traditions, making it a welcoming destination for tourists.

Diverse Landscapes

The Karst mountains in Guilin

From the towering peaks of the Himalayas to the karst landscapes of Guilin, China offers a diverse range of natural scenery. Whether you are interested in exploring bustling cities, serene rural areas, or stunning natural wonders, China has it all.

Culinary Delights

10 reasons to travel to China cuisine

Chinese cuisine is renowned worldwide for its diverse flavors and regional specialties. Each region has its unique dishes, providing a delightful culinary adventure for food enthusiasts. Do not miss the opportunity to try authentic Chinese dishes and street food.

Modern and Traditional Contrasts

The Forbidden City, Beijing
Shanghai attractions
Skyscrapers in Shanghai

China is a country of contrasts, where ancient traditions coexist with modern advancements. While cities like Beijing and Shanghai showcase cutting-edge architecture and technology, rural areas still maintain traditional ways of life.

This duality offers a unique perspective on China’s rapid development. It is also the aspect that captivated me most. And Suzhou, the city where I used to live, is a brilliant example of this mind-boggling contrast. While it has a well-developed infrastructure and public transportation system and certain parts boasting modern architecture, the city has also kept its traditional charm through its famed classical gardens and ancient canals. You can read more about Suzhou and its highlights.

When we traveled to rural areas in the provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou, we could experience a more traditional way of life too.

Innovative Technology

China is at the forefront of technological innovation, and visiting provides a glimpse into the future. From high-speed trains to advanced infrastructure, the country showcases its commitment to progress. China is one of the three only countries where you can enjoy riding a maglev train. The Shanghai maglev was the world’s first commercial high-speed maglev, and it is truly a magical experience riding it. When we took it, it could go up to 431 km/h, now it is limited to 300 km/h, though.

Unique Festivals and Celebrations

Experiencing traditional Chinese festivals, such as Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival, can be a captivating cultural experience. These celebrations are deeply rooted in history and provide a glimpse into Chinese customs and traditions. My favorite is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and for one reason only: mooncake, a delicious round pastry with dense filling, yummy!

Art and Traditional Crafts

10 reasons to travel to China calligraphy

China has a rich artistic heritage, including traditional painting, calligraphy, ceramics, and silk weaving. Visiting art galleries, museums, and workshops can offer insights into these time-honored crafts.


Compared to many Western countries, China can be a relatively affordable travel destination. Accommodations, transportation, and food are often reasonably priced, allowing travelers to explore more without breaking the bank. Please note though, that it has gotten more expensive through the years, and it is not as budget a destination as some Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam or Indonesia.

Language and Learning Opportunities

Engaging with the Chinese language and learning about its characters, calligraphy, and tonal nature of Mandarin can be a rewarding intellectual pursuit. After having studied it for several years, I can only confirm that it is, indeed, a difficult language to master but a rewarding challenge, regardless. Many Chinese people appreciate visitors making an effort to learn some basic phrases.


Individual experiences may vary, and it is vital to approach travel with an open mind and respect for the local culture. These were our 10 reasons to travel to China.

Exploring China can offer a unique blend of tradition and modernity, providing a memorable and enriching travel experience. So, pack your bags and embark on your next adventure to China!


Johanna is a linguist fluent in 5 languages. She has studied and worked in several countries in Asia and Europe. Johanna is passionate about traveling, languages, different cultures, and yoga. She is a digital nomad traveling the world while teaching, creating content, and vigorously sharing her travel experiences.

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